New Build Developments

Almond Housing Association is the lead developer for the West Lothian Development Alliance working with West Lothian Council and The Scottish Government to provide quality new build homes for rent in West Lothian.

Alliance collage

The West Lothian Development Alliance (WLDA), comprising Almond Housing Association, Horizon Housing Association and Weslo Housing Management, was set up in 2005 and provides social rented housing, as well as housing for mid-market rent and shared equity sale.

Our Development Team

Almond Housing Association’s Development Team acts as the developer for all three partners including liaising with our strategic partners, West Lothian Council and Scottish Government, ensuring a streamlined and cohesive approach to securing successful outcomes in the development process.

During the past 10 years we have invested around £60 million in West Lothian via housing projects which have provided new and much needed affordable homes for more than 1800 people.

See also Current Developments and Recently Completed Developments.

Our future plans

Providing homes that are fit for purpose, safe and secure, and encourage a sense of pride and belonging is important to us. As we move forward we will continue to build new homes in West Lothian, improving customers’ access to affordable housing, now and in the future.

We are currently working closely with our strategic partners, West Lothian Council and Scottish Government, to agree priority sites for the next 5 years.

For further information on our development programme please contact our Development Team on 01506 439291 or email us at